How I’m Spending my Break
By Karringtan Bell
Fall 2020 has finally come to a close. This semester was the semester of CHANGE — whether you had all online classes or a mixture of online and in-person. For me, the majority of my classes were online — which I’ve never had before.
At first, it was a huge adjustment not being able to physically connect with my professors and classmates.
All the extra screen time was killing my eyes, which led me to purchase some overpriced blue light glasses 🙃
But toward the end of the semester, I honestly started to enjoy it.
Now that all my exams and final papers have been completed and submitted, I feel less stressed and fully ready to take in the holiday season.
Thanksgiving was a blast. Even though the usual crowd couldn't physically be with us, we were able to make the holiday just as special with too much food and family Zoom calls. We just have to keep the same energy through Christmas and the New Year.
Since I'm staying close to home this year, I'm looking forward to spending time with my family, eating good food, going for walks on the beach, doing some extra online shopping, and catching up on some much-needed sleep.
Here are some safe outdoor activities I plan on doing while on break!
You can pack food from home or pick up takeout from your favorite restaurant or food truck. In some cases, you might be able to get your food delivered to you!
Enjoy at your favorite park (while social distancing, of course), or eat out on your patio/deck.
Drive-in movies
This one your parents might like too :)
I've always wanted to go to a drive-in movie and with COVID-19, many drive-in movie theaters are making a comeback. It’s something family and close friends can enjoy together with plenty of physical distance.
Golfing is something my dad and I like doing together. This activity is something we can do close to home. It’s also a way to be active outdoors and spend time with my favorite guy 😎.
Drive way/porch hang
Keep your gathering small and social distance. You can plan activities that don’t require close contact and have everyone bring their own food and drinks to lessen the chance of spreading the virus.
You can find me hanging out in my driveway with my friends more than six feet away.
And always remember to wear a mask and wash your hands.
Bonus: Catch up on podcasts