NAU Social Recap: December 2017

Let NAU’s light shine bright

Northern Arizona University
4 min readJan 2, 2018

December is a month for celebration and wrapping things up. As a campus community, we come together to celebrate annual traditions like the lighting of the luminarias and the campus tree. Amidst the holiday hustle and bustle, we’re also wrapping up our semester, prepping for the New Year and finishing #NAUStrong.

Facebook — mastering the art of the share

67,339 likes (+341), monthly reach

December is a magical month. How do we capture the magic? With our cameras always in hand and lots of planning too 😉

Capture it, remember it — Going live

Amidst the hustle and bustle, we took some time to strategize and plan out our video content to capitalize on video’s large, organic reach.

Knowing that the holiday theme and campus traditions would resonate with our audience, we made the annual lighting of the luminarias and campus tree an all-hands on deck event and shared it on all platforms — Facebook, Facebook Live, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Instagram Stories.

We also captured high definition video from the event to repurpose and use in our holiday message.

Continuing our collaboration with TV-Services, we once again live streamed the entire Commencement ceremonies for graduates and their loved ones near and far to enjoy.

With over 240,000 in video reach in December, we definitely rocked it into the #NewYear.

Adding the Lumberjack Touch —

When your newsfeed is filled with the holidays — it’s hard to stand out. How can you get it on the action? By jumping into the conversation. Our School of Forestry wood cookie video met many of our goals:

  • Relevant
  • Unique
  • Tell a story
  • Incorporate students and faculty

Not only was the video well received, but the link we shared received 744 clicks — allowing the viewer to find out more about the wood cookie ornaments and purchase one of their own too 😉

To Lumberjack Country and beyond

We also make a point to share news that affects our Lumberjacks here and beyond.

The addition of a Los Angeles — Flagstaff flight route caught our eyes and our audience too.

Twitter — in the moment now

34,715 followers (+244), 1,710,000 impressions, 682 mentions

Twitter always keeps us on our toes. From engaging in the latest trending hashtags to answering questions on social to finding or making the perfect gif to capture the current mood — Twitter makes us stay on top of our game and ensure our content is fun, fresh and #TrueBlueNAU.


We use gifs but like them to use them when they matter most. Or in this case, will be the most relevant

Whether it be Christmas trees and decorations popping up, tips and tricks for finals week, or FINALLY the first snowfall of the season, we felt the energy of our Jacks and shared the excitement on social.

Instagram — capturing the beauty of NAU

31,900 followers (+362), likes this month

While some things change, some remain the same. The power of an image is timeless as evident by our top three posts of the month.

As our Best of 2017 shows, our Instagram continues to focus on the aesthetic. Because of Instagram’s preference for images, our focus on this platform continues to be captivating photos with videos sprinkled here and there.

What do we do with information that might be an overlay on a picture (you know those graphics you seen on IG)? We include it as caption text or better yet — add the information in Instagram Stories — the less curated, but still aesthetically pleasing way to get information you need to know out 👌🏼

Snapchat — inside look

5100+ followers

Snapchat is our way of sharing in-the-moment photos and stories with our audience. Behind the scenes, it takes a lot to make this happen. Behind every effortless Snapstory is orchestration by our NAU Social team, planning, coordinating and snapping.

This month, we highlighted Finish the Lyric: Holiday Edition, Lumberjacks Abroad, Holiday Trivia, NAU holiday festivities, Creating Community Cooking Series — Tamales, What Makes the Perfect Tree with College of Forestry, Finishing Strong, Graduation, NAU Holiday Baking, Winter in Flagstaff, Winter Break — Beyond NAU and Ringing in the New Year Downtown.

A Look Back, A Look Ahead

So long 2017. Here’s a look at our most popular images of the year.

See you in 2018.

— Team Social



Northern Arizona University

It’s always a great day to be a Lumberjack! Join the conversation and share your #NAU story.